Entrevista Chris Dudley de Underoath

Esta semana se publico una nueva entrevista en relación a Underoath y en esta oportunidad Absolutepunk.net entrevisto a Chris Dudley tecladista de la banda, la entrevista completa la puedes leer aquí. A continuación presentamos las preguntas y declaraciones que nos llamaron más la atención.

How long have you been working at the church?

Chris Dudley: I've been there since last November, so it's been right about a year now.

How do the kids at the church respond to you being a youth pastor? Do they see you as someone that's in Underoath, or just a regular youth pastor?

Chris Dudley: Yeah, there's definitely a music scene in D.C., but I live an hour away from there, out in the middle of nowhere, in the Manassas area, I'm not sure if you know where that's at. But there's only one kid in the youth group who knows who Underoath is, and some of the other kids know I'm in a band, but it's not something that I talk about too much. The kids that do know I'm in a band think it's cool; some of them like the music, whereas others are like "I don't understand why you're screaming so much!", and then want to go and listen to Kanye West or something. It's fun, you know? It's a fun thing to talk about, and be able to connect with kids, so it's been rad.

To get this question out of the way, will Aaron [Gillespie] or Dallas [Taylor] be back in any way on this tour? I know lots of people have been asking.

Chris Dudley: Neither of them will be on the tour. I had talked to Aaron a couple days ago, and we've thrown around the idea of him coming to the Tampa show and doing something possibly, but it's not worked out or anything. Daniel's going to be drumming for the entire tour. Dallas isn't going to be a part of the tour either, I haven't talked to him about anything with Tampa. But there's a possibility that Aaron will come and play some stuff with us in Tampa, because I mean, he lives right down the street and he was part of Underoath for a long time, and you know, good dudes and good tunes and that whole thing, haha.

What song are you particularly excited to play when you're on tour?

Chris Dudley: Oh man, quite a few really. I don't know how many of these songs, if any, are going to be in the set, but I really like playing "Emergency Broadcast: The End Is Near" (Lost In The Sound of Separation), "Writing On The Walls" (Define The Great Line), "Breathing In A New Mentality" (Lost In The Sound of Separation), that's one of my favorites to play. "Illuminator" (Disambiguation), and "Driftwood" (Disambiguation) are two more. It varies, but these are all songs I really look forward to playing. I would love to play all of those on this tour, but the setlist isn't worked out yet, so I'm not sure.

"....Some guys are in different positions than others, such as Spencer [Chamberlain, vocals]; he wants to tour until he's 70, I would see him being like Mick Jagger, up there doing his thing until he can't walk anymore. I think that element is what makes Underoath what it is, because we're all different people with different things going on."

When the Underoath decided to not be a Christian band anymore, how hard was that for you personally?

Chris Dudley: Pretty rough at first, honestly. I understand why that decision was made, because we value being honest with people more than we do trying to be something to someone. We really value honesty and being who we are. The fact is, not everyone was on the same page anymore - some guys with faith things, some guys with other stuff. It really came down to me realizing God's plan for my life isn't completely found in Underoath, and for so long it was "Oh, well this where I'm supposed to be", and I still feel that God is able to use me in this band. I sent out a tweet the other day, saying that everything that Underoath has been able to accomplish was because God used a bunch of dudes that were not special at all for something that was, and I truly believe that. The success that we've had is not anything that we planned for, we never aspired to accomplish anything that we did, we were just out doing what we felt like we should be doing, and I truly believe that God blessed that. But I understand that my viewpoint is not the only viewpoint, and I love the dudes so much, we've been through so much together and I care about them more than I do anyone else, aside from my family. We're six completely different dudes, and we agree on a lot of things, and disagree on some other things, but at the end of the day we've been doing his thing for so many years that we're all in it together.

In a few years down the road, what's the one thing that you'd hope people would remember Underoath by?

Chris Dudley: I guess the thing I'd want people to remember is that we were who we were, and we didn't pretend to be anything else. For me personally, I've always been adamant that this is where God has me, and what he wants me to be doing. I've spent every day being on tour, meeting new people and making new friends, going out to eat and hanging out with people. Personally, I would want people to look back and say "Those guys actually care, and it wasn't just a band/fan relationship, they really care", that's the way I've always looked at it because everything that we've ever been able to accomplish was able to happen because people cared about what we do, and supported our band. There's really no way to express the amount of gratitude that we have for people like that. We're real dudes who like playing real music, and try to be as cool as possible - not in a dress a certain way and act a certain way, but cool as in "Hey, let's just hang out and go get some food, let's talk".