Questions to Jason Dunn from Hawk Nelson!

Preguntas a Jason Dunn vocalista de Hawk Nelson

Hace unas horas Jason Dunn de Hawk Nelson dispuso de su tiempo libre para contestar preguntas en su Facebook y aquí te presentamos las mejores preguntas, fue una entrevista masiva.  Tan importante que nos contó que en la próxima primavera grabaran un DVD en vivo para Hawk Nelson y que el próximo año estará bien dedicado a su proyecto Light Go Down. Incluso nos hablo de sus tatuajes. Tomen nota, esto fue hoy 13 de noviembre de 2011.

Have you ever performed for the military?
No, but that is something I would like to do

Do you know how to rap?
haha. in my bedroom yes!

How old were you when you wrote your first song?
I was about 10 years old

On "Smile it’s the End of the World" the lyrics for "Its Over" are different in the booklet then what you actually sing. And by I different, it’s basically a whole different song. Why is that?
I made a lyric change a couple weeks later after the record was already recorded and the artwork was printed.

Who had the idea to record LAX in the new album (Crazy Love)?
I’ll take the blame for that one!

Do you have any embarrassing fan stories?
I fell off a stage once....okay twice

What is your favorite instrument?
Piano was my first instrument. I'll go with that one!

Are you going to be releasing a new album anytime soon? And will you be touring with skillet again??
I'm taking time to work on my solo record next year.

What’s your Favorite TV show?
Currently i'm loving the office

What’s Your Fave song on the Christmas Album?? Mine is Joy to the World!!!!
Silent night

What's your favorite Hawk Nelson song?
Is Forever Enough

How was play and record with Drake Bell? "Bring 'em Out" Do you still talk to him?
It was a lot of fun. We do not keep in touch

Would you like Tour on latinamerica???
 I would love to!

You must record another album like "Smile, It's the end of The World" don't you think so?

How many tattoos do you have?
Sad, but i forget! around 15 i think

When will you record a DVD live, because it's time to do it!
We're sorting out the details now! planning for one this spring!

Do you have a favorite Hawk Nelson album?
Letters To the President

Which are your 3 favorite songs from Hawk Nelson?
Long & Lonely Road, Things We Go Through, Is Forever Enough

What does that tattoo on your left arm say?
Soli deo gloria
Shat does that mean?
To God alone be the glory- inspired by Johann Sebastian Bach

Thank you guys for hanging out! I gotta get show ready! Love you! See you soon!!!