For Today - Foundation (Vídeo)

"Foundation" es el nuevo vídeo de la banda de Hard-Core For Today, en este pequeño film se retrata como como en el 2035 un grupo de Cristianos sería perseguido por sus creencias, la canción en sí refleja la forma en que Cristo es nuestro fundamento, nuestra base y por Él somos fuertes, esta nos motiva a mantener firmes nuestras convicciones. Al final del vídeo se presenta el  siguiente versículo:

"Has sufrido, y has tenido paciencia, y has trabajado arduamente por amor de mi nombre, y no has desmayado." Apocalipsis 2:3

For Today es una banda muy solida en sus convicciones, con letras claras que reflejan su decisión por seguir a Cristo es una banda que remarca mucho su FE y no va con metáforas y frases difíciles de comprender como lo hace la mayoría de bandas Hard-Core cristianas, para que te des una mejor idea te presentamos la letra completa de la canción:

I make this declaration with heaven watching my every move:
He is my sure foundation, and I will trust Him with my life.
I will remain a keeper of the flame for the righteous one.

I will never abandon this cause. My devotion’s uncompromising.
I will never abandon this cause. I see the light, I see hope arising.
This faithful generation will rise with focused gaze.
This faithful generation will stand in heaven’s gate. 

So I will not let you go.
I will not let you go. I will not let you go.
Through these trials, I will stand.
I will not let you go. I will not let you go. Through these trials, I will stand. 

I have built my life on the rock of my salvation, and I will not be moved from my firm foundation.
I will not be moved from my firm foundation. I will stand on the Word of my God, with everything.
I’m not ashamed to say I will stand.
The sword of Truth in my hand is conquering every demon’s stronghold. 

So I will not let you go.
I will not let you go. I will not let you go.
Through these trials, I will stand.
I will not let you go. I will not let you go. Through these trials, I will stand. 

Every nation will bow.
We’ll stand with fire in our eyes, and He will reign forever as a King with justice at His side.
Every nation will bow.
We’ll stand with fire in our eyes, and He will reign forever as the King of Kings. 

I will not be moved. Unshakeable. Watch the nations bow.
Unshakeable. I will not be moved. Unshakeable. Watch the nations bow down.

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